More than 1.43 crore people have been vaccinated for COVID- 19 in India so far. Till now, 67, 32, 944 people have received the first dose of the vaccine while the second dose has been administered in 26, 85,665 healthcare workers.
Over the 60 years, there are expected to be 4, 34, 981 beneficiaries while there about 60, 020 people above the age 45 with co-morbidity according to the health ministry.
During the press conference, Director General of ICMR Balram Bhargava has said that vaccines available in India are safe to be used with the blood thinners. Bhargava has also said “People on blood thinners can take either of the vaccines without any problem. There are some precautions to be followed which are routine and simple.” Later on, V.K Paul from NITI Aayog has added that it is important to administer second dose of vaccine. He has said “Only after you take the second dose the COVID vaccination is complete.”
Empowered Group Chairman R.S Sharma has said that upgraded CoWIN system has been providing a lot of flexibility in the vaccination process. He has said further, “The upgraded system is ready to take on the large volume of beneficiaries that we are expecting in the second phase. It is also geared to ensure the data security and offer best safety measures against any cyber attacks.”
Mr. Bhushan has added later on, “The system takes away the need to be vaccinated in this time line and can accommodate as per the need and capacity of the particular state”