Coronavirus UK variant is not more transferrable than the Indian variant that has become so prevalent in India. On the issue, National Institute of Virology, Pune has conducted research and come to this conclusion.
On the occasion, study has been conducted on a Syrian hamster which is commonly used for researches in laboratories.
In India, 771 cases have been reported with the three variants that have become a major cause of concern all over the world. 736 people among them are affected by the UK variant
From Punjab, 80% cases have been reported with the UK variant. It is also the reason behind the spurt of cases within the state.
Later on, hamster group has been broken into smaller groups. It has been compared with the other group that has been inoculated with the other variant. Hamsters are kept in the close proximity and virus level has been analyzed through the faeces along with the body weight in order to know how much sick the hamster has been. On the occasion, water nozzle, beddings and cage surfaces are also examined for virus.
Earlier study has showcased that hamster with UK variant of virus has shredded more particles of virus after analyzing the nasal fluid. The recent study has shown “comparable transmission efficiency of both UK and D614G variants of SARS-CoV-2 in Syrian hamsters”