Singapore has managed to achieve an unimaginable feat in its fight against the coronavirus. The government has managed to vaccinate 80% of its total population of 5.7 million. It has become a country that has highest percentage of vaccinated people. Therefore, restrictions are being eased slowly now.

Health Minister of Singapore Ong Ye Kung has said through his Facebook post “We have crossed another milestone, where 80% of our population has received their full regimen of two doses”
The Singapore authority has also said that ASEAN may not be as effective as it has been thought of in the Myanmar Karaoke cluster. Reports of increase in the coronavirus cases can be heard. In spite of these, growth expectation in Q1 has been surpassed by Singapore. It has shown a remarkable recovery. However, surge in cases may oblige the government to take stricter measures.
According to reports, “It means Singapore has taken another step forward in making ourselves more resilient to COVID-19.” Highest number of complete vaccination cases can be seen in the country. Some other countries are on the list also. They are United Arab Emirates, Chile and Uruguay. 70% population of these countries has been inoculated already.

From the month of January, vaccination program has been started by Singapore. They have used mostly Pfizer BioNTech and Moderna. Both the vaccines are manufactured in USA.
During the month of August, Health Minister has said “continue to keep the number of severe cases and illnesses under control and our healthcare capacity is not overly stretched”. Economy of the country can be opened further. Social activities can be allowed at the same time as well. Travel may resume without need for quarantine. Further he has added “Our lives will be more normal, (and our) livelihoods will be better protected”
In addition to Ong, two other ministers have also talked about the new normal structure of the country after inoculation process. Large gathering for an event like New Year countdown can be started once again. It is also said “businesses will have certainty that their operations will not be disrupted”
For the Singaporean, it will become easy to travel freely again. Travel may be allowed to the countries at least that has managed to control the COVID-19.

They have also said “We will recognise each other’s vaccination certificates. Travellers, especially those vaccinated, can get themselves tested before departure and be exempted from quarantine with a negative test upon arrival”