UK variant of the coronavirus has been isolated successfully with all its signature changes by the Indian scientists at National Institute of Virology or NIV. COVID-19 new strain has been cultured from the specimens collected from the people who has returned from UK and tested positive with coronavirus.
Earlier, ICMR has reported that coronavirus strain emerging from UK has been cultured successfully. Through a tweet, it has been said that no other country so far has managed to isolate and culture the UK strain of coronavirus yet.
Culture is considered to be a method through which cells can be grown within a controlled environment. Signature changes with the UK variant of coronavirus can be noticed as a result. Specimens have been collected from UK returnees on the occasion. Vero cell lines have been utilized by the research body on the occasion.
In UK, 70% transmissible rate has been noticed among its population that has been infected by the new strain of coronavirus. So far, it has spread to South Africa, Denmark, France, Sweden, Ireland, Germany, Belgium, Japan, Singapore, Canada, Lebanon, Spain and several other countries. New strain of coronavirus has marked its presence in more than 50 countries already. 29 cases have been reported in India till date. The number may increase in the coming days. Healthy Ministry has been taking measures to reduce the spread of coronavirus as much as possible.
From the early days of pandemic, ICMR has been researching about the coronavirus. It is considered to be the apex body in India. Pro active measures have been taken to contain the spread of coronavirus in India. Due to this reason, preventive strategy has been put in the place also. Through genome sequencing only, one can detect whether a person is infected by the new variant of coronavirus or not.
More than 33,000 passengers have come to India between 25th November and 23rd December. Now, all these passengers are being tracked in several cities within the country. People are being tested with the symptoms. RT-PCR test is being done in order to isolate these people. Till the 8th January, all the flights from UK have been banned in India. Several other countries around the world have taken the same measures also.
According to the reports, both the children and adult are equally susceptible to the new variant of COVID-19. People have been asked to take precautionary measures such as wearing a mask, maintaining social distancing and hand hygiene.