Face masks have become essential to reduce the spread of Coronavirus pandemic. In addition, you have to maintain safe social distance. It is important to take other preventive measures also. Face masks must be cleaned after every use. Following to the removal of face mask, hands must be cleaned properly.

What to use for washing face mask?
By using soap and water, you can clean your mask. It is better to go with the warm water on the occasion. Detergent used in the home may be good enough on the occasion. Following to a hand wash of the mask, it can be placed in the washer. Later on, it can be air dry also. However, it can be placed on dryer also with the hot setting. In this way, remaining virus particle on the face mask can be killed as well. High heat for the purpose of drying may be essential.
In case of hand wash, it must be placed within warm or hot water for minimum 20 seconds. Later on, it can go to the dryer.
How often should you wash the face mask?
Routine wash may be necessary for the face mask. Frequency of use may play an important role on the occasion also. In case of daily washing, hand washing is preferred method. If you go out of the house to run an errand then there can be a risk of encountering droplets on mask surface.
In case you believe that you have come in contact with coronavirus then additional precaution must be taken. If someone sneezes on the subway then it is always better to dispose of the face mask as it may be contaminated. Otherwise, a thorough cleaning may be necessary in such situations.

What to do with the filters?
Filter can be noticed in some of the reusable masks. These masks can be worn two to three times at a stretch. However, you may like to wash the filter daily to avoid any issue while cleaning the mask. As a result, you may need to replace the filter after some time. Due to washing, effectiveness of the filter may be reduced also.
Due to delicate nature of the filter, it must be washed with the hands. On the occasion, you must not utilize the washing machine at all. For drying purpose, dryer can be utilized. Hair dryer can be used at the time also while keeping a distance of 6 to 8 inches.