Pfizer vaccine has been administered in 1.2 million people in Israel and it has shown 94% effectiveness. For the first time, study of a COVID-19 vaccine has been done among the real people. On the occasion, a mass immunization campaign has been conducted in order to see an end of coronanvirus.
In the New England Journal of Medicine, the paper been published that has showcased benefits of this coronavirus vaccine. It has managed to offer strong protection against the virus. Therefore, the vaccine is definitely useful for breaking the chain on ongoing transmission.
Virologist Ben Neuman 日本藤素
from Texas A & M University has said “The fact that the vaccines worked so well in the real world… really does suggest that if the nations of the world can find the will, we now have the means to end COVID-19 forever.”

Experiment of the real life application of Pfizer vaccine has conducted from 20th December to 1st February, 2021. During the time, new UK variant has been wreaking havoc in the entire world. Israel has been affected by the new strain of coronavirus also. Due to the performance of the Pfizer vaccine, it has created an impressive impact on the people.
Dividing people in two groups with equal numbers, one of them is vaccinated while other group of population has not been vaccinated. In terms of gender, age, geographic, location and characteristic, people are divided equally.
Noam Barda who is the lead author and epidemiology research head of Clait Research Institiute has said that the matching has been done in a robust manner.
Elderly people in some of the neighborhood have lots of comorbidity. On the occasion, vaccination history must be checked too. In this way, vaccination history may be matched with the people that come with the particular profile also.

For example, outcomes have been recorded after 14 to 20 days after the first shot of vaccine. Following to the second shot of the vaccine, record may be taken after seven or more days
Post first shot of the vaccination, efficacy can be about 57% within 14 days to 20 days. However, 94% efficacy has been noticed after the second dose. During the clinical trials, efficacy has been about 95%. Therefore, it can be seen that both clinical trial and real life world effectiveness is quite similar to each other.
Receiving the second dose of the vaccination, people can be protected against hospitalization and death due to coronavirus. However, achieved numbers may not be significant enough as the study has been conducted in lower number of cases.
Through the study, it has been found that 92% people have lesser chances of contracting any kind of virus in comparison to the unvaccinated people.

Findings from the study are really encouraging. According to the experts and researchers, more evidence is required in order to come at the conclusion. Participants have not been tested in regular intervals. Tests have been done only when they have felt the need for it. By the author, attempts have been made for correct the statistical method. However, results have been slightly imperfect on the occasion.
If tests are not done constantly then something are bound to be missed. However, there is no doubt in the fact that high level of protection can be obtained Pfizer vaccine for coronavirus.