“Coronavirus Will Prove To Be Seasonal, If It Persists For Many Years” – says United Nations

According to the United Nation, coronavirus may be become a seasonal disease in the future. However, they have warned people not to relax coronavirus measures even if there are signs of slowing down of coronavirus in the area.
Coronavirus cases have emerged first in China. On the occasion, lots of people have been dying due to a simple viral flu. Some mysteries have been seen with the rapid spread of the virus also. More than 2.7 billion people have died due to the novel coronavirus in the world.

In the beginning, reports have suggested that air quality and meteorological condition is influencing the disease a lot. It is expected to be a reason behind the rapid spread also. Some indication has been seen that the viral infection may become a seasonal menace later.
UN team of 16 members from the World Meteorological Organization has pointed out that viral respiratory infection is often experienced based on the seasons. It is especially noticed in the autumn winter peak. During the time, influenza can be seen. In the temperate climate, cold induced coronavirus may be seen in the future.
In a statement, it has been said “This has fuelled expectations that, if it persists for many years, Covid-19 will prove to be a strongly seasonal disease”


Transmission of COVID-19 is often influenced by the governmental measures such rules for using masks and maintaining safe distance in the public. Travel restrictions are being imposed also. So, these measures may be far more effective than the weather.
The task team has said that weather and climate cannot be the only triggers. Therefore, COVID restrictions cannot be loosened based upon it.
Co-chair from the task team Ben Zaitchik from Earth and Planetary Science Department of The John Hopkins University, United States has said “At this stage, evidence does not support the use of meteorological and air quality factors as a basis for governments to relax their interventions aimed at reducing transmission”
On the occasion, Ben has pointed out the fact that pandemic has worsened in some countries during warmer season. He has also added “and there is no evidence that this couldn’t happen again in the coming year”

Experts focusing on outdoor meteorology and air quality has said, it has been noticed in laboratories that coronavirus lasts longer in cold and dry weather. Low ultraviolet radiation can be reason behind it too.
Therefore, clear idea about meteorological influences on the coronvirus cannot be found. Evidence regarding influence of the air quality is inconclusive also. There are some preliminary evidences that shows poor air quality enhances the mortality rate of COVID-19. However, pollution does not contribute to the coronavirus transmission.

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