Over time, threat of coronavirus has reduced to some extent. However, time has not come to relax completely yet. Precautionary measures must be taken. Using mask and sanitizer have become a habit now. In comparison to the beginning of the lockdown, people have become more comfortable with the use of masks and sanitizers.
By wearing mask, maintaining social distance and using sanitizer, dangers of coronavirus infection have been reduced dramatically. Daily tasks are being performed in a more mindful manner. Now, we have become aware how coronavirus can spread. Therefore, caution must be applied accordingly also.
Diverse kinds of face masks affect breathing ability of a person differently. Both mask construction and use of fabric plays an important role on the occasion. It may be harder to breathe with certain masks. Therefore, an asthma patient is advised to choose specialized mask. In this way, comfortable and safe environment can be created for them. In addition, complete protection against coronavirus can be attained at the same time.
Through this article, we are going to offer asthma patients some advice that may help them to breathe without any difficulty.
What should be remembered by asthma patient while wearing a mask?
In several countries like UK and USA, it is still mandatory to wear a mask in the public places. Therefore, it is necessary to wear mask while shopping for groceries, going to office and staying within a public space. Hand washing and social distancing must be practiced at the same time also.
Taking all the above measures, a person may able to avoid the coronavirus infection. In case there is an asymptomatic patient around then protection can be attained also.
Through moisture droplet, spread of coronavirus is mostly seen. If a person wears a mask then virus may not transfer to another person. World Health Organization have also asked asthma patient to wear a mask
Tips for wearing a mask with Asthma
• Before wearing the mask in the public area, it is better to get adjusted with the mask at home. It is better to wear a mask minimum half an hour in a day. In this way, a person may become used to it
• Perfect mask must be chosen in terms of fabric and comfort.
• Trip must be planned accurately. It is better to complete a task as soon as possible
• Extra caution must be taken to avoid asthma trigger.
• Controller medication can be taken if needed.
• Following to the task, mask must be removed and cleaned properly. It is important to wash hand properly afterward as well.