Through new update by Center for Disease Control and Prevention, it has been advised to wear mask or cloth covering in the public to safeguard you from coronavirus. In various occasions, it may not be easy to maintain safe distance with another person. During the time, mask may act as a protective layer. Lots of research is being done on reusable cloth masks. Some studies have implied that it may slow down the speed of spreading coronavirus. However, there are some contradictory findings as well.
Some studies have shown that reusable cotton masks may not be very effective in filtering out the droplets with the virus. Due to coronavirus, an acute respiratory syndrome has been noticed. Therefore, it may be important to know now what kind of material for mask can be more effective in preventing coronavirus.
According to the research in University of Chicago, combination of certain fabrics may be effective in case of coronavirus. As a result, spread of coronavirus can be restricted more successfully.
Masks must fit well
During the experiment, different types of materials such as chiffon cotton, silk, flannel, polyester, spandex and satin have been utilized. Diverse combinations of these materials have been tried on the occasion.
Tests have been conducted in order to check whether a tiny aerosol can pass through the fabric or not. Previous researches have shown that COVID-19 can be disseminated through droplets only. If you cough or sneeze, release of these particles can be noticed. However, minute particles can be spread through breathing and speaking also. These small particles may not be easy to catch.
Particles with the size of 6 micrometers and 10 nanometers in terms of diagrams have been tested also through the samples of fabric. Speed of the airflow has been kept similar to a person’s breathing when they are in a relaxed mode.
Findings have shown that a combination of a cotton sheet tightly woven along with couple of sheets made from chiffon or created from spandex and polyester may able to restrict 80% to 99% of the virus droplets. However, droplet size may play an important role here.
Performance of these masks made from combination of fabric can be easily compared with the N95 masks that are being utilized by the frontline workers and hospital professionals especially.
Some other combinations such as cotton tightly woven and silk or flannel may work effectively against the coronavirus also.
Explaining about the use of different fabrics, researchers have said cotton is a tightly woven fabric and silk has static charge. Therefore, it manages to create to create a double barrier where one is mechanical and another one is electrostatic.
However, these masks must fit in with your face snugly to be effective. Due to contour of the face, gap may be left behind even after wearing a mask. On such cases, face masks may become ineffective. Degrading of efficiency of almost 50% may be seen during the time.
More studies may be conducted in future. During the time, other factors such as humidity may be taken into consideration also in order to decide about the effectiveness of the mask.