Once again, coronavirus is spreading at a rapid rate in various countries. New wave of coronavirus has been observed in the countries like Brazil and India especially. Now, a list has been shared about the people who are more vulnerable against the COVID-19 virus. Through a list, people are cautioned to stay more alert. People with diabetes, blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, smoking habit and respiratory diseases are more at risk. They have more chances to get the virus.
Here are the groups of people who are prone to the coronavirus
Elderly People: Through COVID-19 official guideline, it has been said that people above the age of 60 are more
likely to be affected by coronavirus. Serious illness can be developed among them also. Risk of coronavirus generally increases with the age. Requirement of hospitalization has been noticed with the elderly patient more also. 85% of the COVID-19 deaths have happened among the patient above the age of 65. CDC has warned about this previously also. For this reason, condition of the elderly patient should be checked constantly.
Smoker: Based on the WHO or World Health Organization, people that smoke tobacco are at the higher risk. There may be lack of studies on the relation between COVID-19 and smoking. King’s College London has conducted a research that shows smokers have been hospitalized more. High amount of symptoms may be seen on the occasion too.
Non-communicable Disease: Due to some types of non-communicable diseases, people may become more vulnerable to the coronavirus. It may include
1. Cardiovascular Disease: Heart conditions such as coronary artery diseases, heart failure and hypertension poses a lot of risk. Due to hypertension, chances of mortality can be increased up to 3.5%.
2. Respiratory Diseases: Lung diseases of chronic nature can make you prone to the coronavirus also. If a person suffers from chronic bronchitis, asthma, obstructive pulmonary diseases of chronic nature, intestinal lung diseases such as pulmonary hypertension and crystic fibrosis then it may cause threat too. Severe complications can be seen if the person is contacted with the coronaviorus at the same time.
3. Diabetes: By The United Nations, systematic review has been made on the people with diabetes. It has been said that severe symptoms are seen three times more due to presence of coronavirus. However, there are not lots of studies that may able to tell whether type 1 or type 2 diabetic patients are more likely to get the virus.
4. Cancer: Severe COVId-19 symptoms can be noticed in the cancer patient. Through a multicenter study published by Lancet, it has been seen that mortality rates have increased with such cases. Risks are seen further with the blood cancer patient. Even with the people with inactive cancer, high rate of vulnerability can be witnesses.
Therefore, people should stay aware of their surroundings. In addition, they should wear a mask in public places and maintain social distancing.